Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April Update...

We continue to work on Grace's room. It is coming together so well and looks beautiful! Kelly and I have had a blast putting it together. I have a some pictures so you can see it progressing.

The quilt squares are about all in now. If any of you still want to participate get them in quickly. We have 78 squares so far. We will soon begin to get the quilt put together.

Matches are up again this exciting! 23 children matched this month...yeah God! Keep them coming.

82 matches since our MCC was filed in December. Down to about 118 families in front of us now.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

March Update

Been busy working on getting Grace's room ready. The painting is now complete, thanks to Guy. Yes it is PINK! We got her bed and mattress. It is beautiful...white. Kelly and I have had so much fun shopping and pulling it together. She is not only my sister, and my bestfriend but also my personal seemstress! She finished up the bedskirt today and brought it over and we put it on - love it! Brown with pink flowers. Have the curtains (pink with white bamboo) but Kelly picked up a pretty trim she is sewing on it (browns and pinks) and then they will be ready to hang. She is working on my shams to for the bed..gotta love her! I am going to owe her big time!
Will post pictures when it's all done.

We are getting in lots of quilt squares and prayers for Grace. I have been in tears just overwhelmed by those like us that love her and know she is a special little girl with whom God has incredible plans. So far we have gotten 41 quilt squares in. The love and blessings and prayers and prophetic words that have been spoken over her have me standing in awe of God and my incredible family and friends. All this love will be wrapped around her soon with the quilt. Still have some more coming in and then we will begin getting someone to put the quilt together.

Matches were up this month yeah! 16 children matched, so hoping the trend continues….about 140 more children ahead of us. We are so excited. It seems like it could be so close. I feel like I am nesting as if in pregnancy, and very weepy when it comes to thinking of her…I love her so much already!

60 matches since our Medical Conditions Checklist (MCC) was filed 12/3/08. At that point there were about 200 families in front of us. So down to 140 families in front of us now, again this is not exact. Familes whose checklists are more open could be matched sooner, less open could be matched later...but this gives us an idea... Keep praying!