Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How We Got Started?

It was dream of mine for a while to adopt a little girl from China, yet I wasn't sure if it was a selfish longing or a dream God put in my heart. I felt very blessed. Guy and I had 4 children. 4 BOYS and the world would say that is ENOUGH so I surpressed this desire. Yet it continued to grow despite the fact that we were getting older, our boys were getting older and it didn't fit into my plan. You all know I am a planner. Ok Lord, I said this was not how I planned it! I am sure He just laughs at me - exactly He must say. I think He might actually enjoy me having to let go of what I think makes sense and realize his ways are not my ways they are BETTER! So I said okay Lord you are going to have to make a way because at the time Guy would not even entertain the thought after all it really made no sense in the natural.

So what next, my sister, Kelly, and I were talking and got on this subject and what we discovered was the Lord had put this on her heart too for a while and like me she surpressed it and Fred, her husband, was not seeing it in their future either. We wondered what this was all about, what God was doing? So we sat at one of Christian's baseball games one afternoon and Kelly said, I release Fred to you Lord because if it is your will you can show him I can't. How simple huh? But profound! So....

The next day at church during worship God spoke to both Guy and Fred about our girls! About our call and they were overwhelmed. God worked fast! All of a sudden it was their idea and they believed without a doubt that God had called them to this. I can still remember standing in the laundry in complete shock after church my hands shaking, saying Guy are you sure? I couldn't believe it was really happening. It had been a dream for so long, but after all the Lord says he wants to give us the desires of our heart right? I still remember Guy (who had really been concerend about his age with this) saying if Abraham can do it so can I? God has called us to this and I can not say no to God. That day began this Journey to Grace...


  1. Okay, yes I am crying now reading this because I can remember the moment in church like it was yesterday!!! Wow, I just can't wait. So many stories, so many tears, a lot of laughs and so much revelation. Thank you GOD!

  2. I am so proud of both of you. God sure has brought us all a long way. I know 2009 is going to be an exciting year for our family. LOL Mom
