Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Seeing with the Eyes of an Eagle

Well the shift has occured and it looks very different than we ever imagined. We have decided to transition to the waiting child program (special needs). I would never have imagined this if you would have ever asked me but again this isn't our plan right. Kelly had been feeling for the past year that maybe we were to consider but I had not been opened. Well guess what over lunch the day after Thanksgiving at PF Changs lettuce wraps and lemon pepper shrimp, Kelly brought it up again. She said have you at least prayed about it. I said "no". Wow that was powerful - and sounded awful, so I committed to pray right then as I drifted away for a few moments at relunctantly but sensiourly began to pray and tell God to show if this was his will I wanted what he wanted and if not what I could bear to change my heart. He spoke almost before the words left my lips and so directly to my heart I began crying right there at the table. He must have just been waiting for me to surrender my will completly. Now we had to get our husbands on board. Well that was easy, believe it or not. The Lord I felt had said "give her eyes so she can see" though feel like that might be spiritually. As I shared with Guy he had just come off a weekend retreat and that said that is a song they song all weekend "give me eyes so I can see". We played the song and God united our hearts...and there we began the next leg in our journey.

I flipped my calendar over to December and the scripture and picture was of the eagle...and yes my favorite scripture...Psalm 91:4 "He shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings you shalt find trust" The eagle has the best seat in the house and he soars high above and can see things from a different perspective, our prayer is we can see with the eyes of eagle through this journey.

So our medical checklist was completed and logged in to CCAI on 12/4/08. The next leg of our journey begins. We are now completing our homestudy and hope to have it approved and our immigration paper submitted by end of next week. Will keep you posted.

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