Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Story of the Whale

Okay so this was hysterical, I must tell you this story of the whale......We made a trip to the store our first night and Grace insisted on getting the whale you see above. The next day as we headed out to the water park to meet the Adcox's Grace brought her whale and Noah was very found of the whale as you will see. So above the kids enjoy a snack in the pool (probably against the rules I know) and Noah notices the whale. Grace seems okay with him petting the whale....
oops as she enjoys a pretzel he snags the whale, but she has not yet noticed
oh wait does he have my whale? Lily looks on with the pretzels content as can be, but knows her cousin well this could get ugly fast and she has her snack for the show
excuse me but I believe that is my whale....
If we could read their minds it might go something like this Noah:"oh come on Grace, I really like it will you share, after all I am really adorable aren't I?" Grace: "Ugg....are you kidding? No!"
Check out Noah's pitiful check out Grace slipping the whale under her leg so he can not grab it again! Really Grace, if you aren't going to hold it please share it with Noah.
Fine, I will hold it then
What's wrong Noah do you want my whale?
Sike! Here you go Lily says have a pretzel I know she can be so mean sometimes. Notice at this point, Grace has even turned her back on the situation.
Let's just say we were hysterical watching them


  1. that made me laugh again so hard-- it was just so hilarious!!!!

  2. I know every time I think of it I laugh all over again.. BTW, can't find the whale....but thanks to Luke, we had to buy a shark on our way out
