I must say I am so humbled God would call me to lead a ministry that I am so undeserving of yet so excited to be a part of. It is not because of who I am at all but because of He that is in me. I have to cling to Jesus every step of the way as I walk this adventure, this journey this call on my life out. I am so excited about it. God has showed up already in so many ways and so many times. As John the Baptist said Jesus has reminded me many of times in this journey "less of you more of me Dawn", tough words to hear but very necessary for where he is taking me. Oaks of Righteousenss Ministries was founded by my sister Kelly and I in 2010. We are so blessed that God has given us the most amazing friends and sisters in Christ to walk this journey with us because they believe in our mission, they feel called themeselves and in joining us they also began to walk out their God given dreams...our dreams collided and we are making history with HIM! We put on our first retreat in March of 2011 and wow did God blow our minds - the weekend was AMAZING! We just cant' outgive God. We will be putting on our next retreat Sept 14-16 please prayerfully consider joining us. Below are some updated photos that Bella Photography was gracious in doing for us. I just love them. Meet some of my bestest friends in the world, a group of ladies that love the Lord who all they are and love loving up on others in His name. Meet the Oaks of Righteousness Ministries Team
Me and my sister, Kelly