Grace says I want to lead now Morgan....
Taking in the view.
Well we are starting to get a routine to our day with boys back in school and me trying to get a little work in during nap time and of course the dreaded homework in the afternoons, which honestly hasn't been too bad. I have to say it is a challenge at times to help the boys if they need it with Grace under foot. But they have been so good at working independently. Logan's had some drama but been getting better. I even had Grace helping me scrub down the bathrooms by end of the week. I feel like I am getting the hang of #4 in the house and managing to some how pull off all the things needed to get done each week and learning to let go of what doesn't. God is teaching me in this that is for sure, but it is refining me to a better person (I hope!)
Grace and I met a good friend Rachel this week for breakfast and she got to meet her for the first time. Been real busy so some of the people I love dearly still haven't met her but we are getting there. We also went into my office so folks at work could meet her who didn't see her at the luncheon they had for us when we got back. She made herself right at home and was all over the place. She set up at my boss's desk and began working at the computer (she picks up things quick!). I also heard that Grace had a "southern" accent, funny to see a little Chinese girl speak southern. Jim said, you don't think you sound southern but you do (Jim you are too funny. Jim is from Ohio). She does have a twang....okay a few words give her a way.
1. Bye .... sounds like Byyyyyyyyyyyye
2. Wow...another popular word of hers when she is amazed....sounds like woooooooow!
She drags out those vowels. Okay, Jim, you did not hear her say baby which would have had you rolling.
3. Baby ....baaaa (long a) ba (short a) - come on try it!
Now I do not talk like that ! Not sure where that is coming from.
Also pulled off curriculumn night at the middle school and my mom watched Grace for a couple hours for first time while I was gone and Guy and Logan at football. She did great!
Christian began his first physical therapy for his shoulder accident and is unfortunatly back out of baseball at least through end of the month. Rotator cuff still very weak and could cause further injury. He has been a trooper though at the games this weekend cheering them on.
We enjoyed cooking out at Kelly's today and kids got to play and swim and we got to just enjoy each others' company. Enjoy the photos. So funny, Lily came and grabbed Grace's hand for a walk....
So fun to see all the pictures! What a cutie!!