Sunday, September 12, 2010

Update on Grace's Visit to Wake Forest Baptist Hospital and From Angel House,China


Okay before I give details I will tell you what you all want to know off the bat…NO MORE SURGERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay that is the biggest praise and I am so thankful! God is so amazingly faithful. I sit in awe of him still as I type this the tears flow. One day I may write a book, for sure will give a testimony.

Here are the facts.
1. Grace will always have lymphangioma. They are not curable.
2. Grace’s tongue- the lymphangioma on her tongue are small and not hurting anything so we leave them alone. They are so small will not affect her speech. They do not normally change in size or grow so they are what they are. We should need to do nothing. Down the road if she is self conscious of them they can be lazered, but will come back.
3. Grace’s neck/face-the lymphangioma on her neck/throat area that cause her face to look oval and her to look like she has fat cheeks will look underneath her skin like what is on her tongue. Some lymphangioma are large and can sometimes inject chemicals in them to cause them to shrink. This is not what she has, hers are small. (I guess what they took out was a cluster of small ones). These are harder to get out because they are small. All her blood work came back normal. She has no problems with her hearing, swallowing or any other medical issue so he wants to do nothing. He said there is no sense in doing any imaging (MRI) because he wouldn’t’ do anything. Basically because lymphangioma are incurable. If they are not hurting anything then you leave them alone. If there is a problem you take out what you can or deal with the problem. But otherwise you do nothing. So we do nothing. Again down the road, if she is self conscious that the baby fat has gone away and she has chubby cheeks we can think about doing surgery for cosmetic reasons or for her scars, but for now nothing. Who knows what God can do by then? Who knows as she grows if they were to look more or less noticeable. Who knows as her face grows and she grows how it will change. But great news that no surgery and as long as no “medical” issues, my biggest concern, no surgery!
4. Throat – last thing, his biggest concern with children with this issue is their airway. Because Grace does snore, he wanted to scope her. Not fun, but advantage of being there was we did it right then and got results right then, we watched on the screen. They went through the nose and down her throat. I held her – again, no fun but lasted 1 minute and worth the results. This is greatest fear – airway too tight, and need track. When kids have them on their tongue and neck like this they tend to go all threw ay down the throat. Problem. With Grace, NONE on the throat, just tongue all the way back and neck. Airway clear, adenoids and tonsils normal size! Again, tears flow, I am in awe!
5. Lastly, the eye issue from ophthalmologist – I asked him and he said highly unlikely. Where hers are he has never seen affect eyes. So we will go back in 6 months to eye dr and expect to see nothing changed.

So with all that said, we go back in 1 year to check in and see how everything is going and after that he expects we just call him if we need him, if any issues arise or decide to do anything cosmetically later.

I also got an email when I got home today from lady who runs foster home Grace was in. I want to share something she said that further supports the miracle of life of this child, our miracle baby…truly her name fits her …

She says to me…that head of the orphanage Grace was at asked her to take Grace and told her of her condition and wanted her to take her and to get her to Beijing to the hospital for medical attention. She said I went to the orphanage ( I think several hours by train) and saw her. She said I told her I couldn’t take her. She was very thin, severe malnutrition I thought something else had to be going on, she assured me there wasn’t. I said I can’t take her, that I was afraid she would die on the trip back to Beijing she looked so bad. The head of the orphanage begged her, she said she begged me and said please take her if she stays here in these orphanage conditions she will die. She said I looked at her in her “eyes”. She said her eyes were beautiful and clean and pure. When I looked in her eyes I had to take her. She said yes! My daughter is alive today because she said “yes”. Grace was taken from the orphanage to the foster care home at 13 weeks.

Folks I have pictures I found of her several months ago. I have not shown anyone these because I found them on the internet and they tore me up. I don’t know how she lived through this. I know that I know that I know God has a plan for her life, a big plan, and she will do great things…she has fought too much, too hard, and God has been faithful and his hand has not been removed from her for one moment! One day her story will be shared, the pictures to prove where God took her from…I promise you it will be shared!

I called this a very, very good day!

Thanks everyone for all your prayers..

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