Isn't she beautiful!
Well in addition to the BIGGEST news this week of our visit to Wake Forest Baptist, we had some fun times!
Kelly and I took the kids to the park Sunday. We went to the zoo on Labor Day as a family. Grace had had her first play date on Tuesday with a friend Zoe right after a doctor's appointment to get 2 more shots (she was a trooper!). The end of the week we headed to the social security office to apply for Grace and Lily's social security cards since we still have not received them. This was an event. The girls entertained us though and everyone else! Then Saturday Logan has his first football game. Everyone came to cheer him on, all his brothers and Grace, of course Mom and Dad, PawPaw, Kelly and his 3 favorite cousins! After about half way through the game, the kids hit the nature trail and Grace and Lily ran around and played. All was good except the off and on rain which was a bit of a pain. It was a fun week.
In the midst of it all trying to keep up with work which has been a bit of a challenge. I am learning to juggle things still with a 2 year old, makes for cramming a lot in during nap time and staying up a little later, sacrificing a little bit of sleep. I keep telling myself it is worth it and it is but for a list driven, type A person I am twitching some a bit and get a little short and agitated...okay I can be a real hard person to be around at times and sometimes I just scream, but reality is with all that said my life is wonderful and I wouldn't trade places with anyone. I just have to step away from it all sometimes take a deep breath and gain a reality check.
Grace continues to do great. She is saying more and more words and beginning to put words together. She is very strong willed and independent (just like her mommy). She has a dvd she watches over and over and over again (about ready to lose it) but it has all the nursery rhyme to songs and she has all the motions memorized...Wheels on the Bus and Itsy Bitsy Spider are her favorites. It is an interactive dvd with kids doing motions to songs and she does what they to watch and she will tell you to sit and have you join her as well. She is quick to tell you no, or sit or stop. She is a girl that knows what she wants. I need a lock on the fridge door because she will bang on that when she wants to eat, which is a lot! She is one that is very routine driven. Funny I can't bath her until right at bed time, because right after bath she will say night night and ask for her baby and a cup of milk and off to bed she goes. She walks the house and kisses everyone good night. I lay her down, give her a kiss at bed and nap with her cup of milk and baby and tuck her in and walk away. Within 5 minutes she is a sleep. She is a blessing there. I transitioned from bottle to cup of milk, figured easy transition and she drinks a few sips an goes to sleep. She still wakes up some at night which is always hard since I am not liking being woke up right. ....but she is usually pretty quick to go back to sleep, just a little pat on the back and it isn't every night so can't complain.
Enjoy the photos!
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