Thursday, December 20, 2012

Olivia Did Fabulous Job Today

Today was the last day of the quarter and of school for Olivia until after the holidays.  They closed the unit letting the kids share what they learned this quarter:
  • Courage - Joshua 1:9
  • Native Americans
The kids did a great job in this performance on Courage and learned what the Word of God says about it, what we could learn about how others such as Native Americans lived a life of courage. 

This performance celebrated perspective. 

Our little girl who I still have to remind myself has only been with us in this country 9 months.  She knew no English when she got here.  Yet, here she is today with her own line in a play "I learned that the Navajo are famous for their weaving."...way to go Olivia!

They have been learning about before European explorers arrived, Native Americans had existed in what is now the United States.  Each tribe developed a unique culture and way of life. Tribes such as the Cherokee, the Navajo (who Olivia picked to do her project on - she made a hogan and weaved), the Comanche, the Makah and the Inuit lived in different areas of North America, adapting to the environment around them.

and here she recites the scripture with her class from Joshua 1:9
"I command you, do not be afraid do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go". 

I love that she is getting the Word of God inscribed on her heart at such a young age.

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