Sunday, April 1, 2012


I must say this weekend's retreat was AMAZING. I can not even begin to express what it was like in words. God showed up in a big way. Hearts of women were touched and lives forever changed. Hurt was replaced with JOY! God encountered these women personally right where they were at and loved them deeply. For several this was "a first". To stand before then today and see the transformation that only God can do overwhelmed me, I was moved to tears, literally nearly able to stand, crying out "Who am I God, who am I that you would allow me to be used to touch these women for you?". What a gift, I am humbled, honored and stand in adoration of an AMAZING God we serve. Jesus - you have blown our minds and I so adore you! If you were praying for us THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Know God heard your prayers and changed the lives of 22 women FOREVER!

Pictures and testimonies of the women soon to come and will post on the website.


  1. I wsa just perusing your blog (I always appreciate your comments on mine!) and realized you were in the travel group just after us, and you were with my friend Amy and her husband Andy and their kiddos. How fun! Looking at your pics, I was smiling when I saw you bought the exact same Chinese outfits for your girls as I bought for mine in Guangzhou (they may wear them for Easter). So cute! Hope all is going well as you continue to get used to your new family dynamics. Sounds like you are doing great and right back into the swing of everything!
